To all our service users and families
On behalf of our colleagues at Flexi, we would like to thank you for giving us an opportunity to serve you in 2019. We look forward to continuing to serve you in the New Year 2020, as your trusted care partners and we will continually strive to provide you with the quality service and tailored health care solutions that will help you and your loved ones achieve your living ambitions in the right way.

Felix & Loreen
Flexi care agency

At Flexi we values both our Service users and their family members equally. We are proud to be a supporting partner to Coventry and Rugby CCG, Warwickshire North CCG and South Warwickshire CCG and the Independent Healthcare Sector, helping to deliver the highest standards of care to service users. We are also the chosen service provider for 2 of the best Care Home settings in the country in not in the world, The Royal Star and Garter, and The Royal British Legion Care Homes (Galanos House). It is rewarding working in partnership with the 2 leading care providers exclusively to ex-service people and their dependents. Tutor Care Training group, Discover 1553, Bespoke Training Services UK LTD (BTS), Hestraining Ltd and Health Link are our specially chosen Training Institutions to provide our staff with expert training and skills development that allows them to be the best healthcare professionals that the nature of the profession demands. Our Team Leaders and Management staff are Trained as trainers and equip our staff with In-House Training needs, Induction and Refresher workshops.

Working in an adaptive and flexible manner reassures our service users that we are the right people they can trust to help them meet their set day to day living goals. At Flexi we will provide you with the same high level of service and staffing solutions whether you are an individual in your own home setting or a large NHS Trust. From our staff selection to specialist training we provide both in house and external, we will equip our staff to be dedicated to ensuring that you receive the best care service you can’t match anywhere else. Our senior team member’s works close with your organisation in order to get regular feedback on our staff performance. The information provided by organisations and families plus service users helps us shape our training and supervision hence we keep on improving from time to time. Given our high standard of training and the quality of our staff, it’s fair to say our charges and costing is very reasonable. Because we are transparent with our services,
We can provide you with any required information provided it doesn’t breach our confidential Policies.

In accordance with our equal opportunity Policies, we monitor our recruitment procedure closely. These policies and the others are regularly updated by Citation Professional Solutions Ltd Health and Safety Executives. Citation develops and updates our Policy and procedure as well as representing Flexi as our Legal Partners. Crombies Chartered Accountants balances our books, audit our accounts and files the accounts at the end of each financial year.

Director’s New Message 2017:

As we celebrate the successes of 2017, we are keen to build on them for 2018 and beyond. Just like you, I look forward with great anticipation to new care challenges in 2018 and to meeting and working with families, staff and service users old and new. That said, I do not want to make things out to be better than they are. The care giving environment is becoming more and more challenging, with persistent budget cuts and ever-increasing regulatory requirements. Within Flexi, we are not yet where we want to be. We therefore have no time to waste. We have been through tough times together before. If we keep caring and fighting for a Flexi we believe in, if we look out for each other and pull each other up and over and never quit, then we will come out on the other side stronger in 2018 than ever before.
Despite all our challenges, I personally have a different impression of our organisation than that may be painted by some observers. I can assure you that my Management colleagues and I will do everything we can to show you and the service users that we can look to the future with confidence.
Flexi, we have come so far , we have seen so much together. However there is still so much to do. 2018 is our year to make more progress and answer all questions.
Wishing you all a happy, healthy and successful 2018.

Yours Commander in Chief


I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate us on yet another promising year of success, new staff, new clients and new targets. 2017 has so far been a successful year and we have seen ourselves grow from strength to strength, expanding our client base and stabilising Flexi in the wake of global economic crisis. A huge credit to our dedicated employees, managers, team leaders, senior staff, IT personnel and other in-depth experts who helped us achieve a strong position as leaders in care giving to our partners and local authorities. With our strong client focus, extensive knowledge and training in the care giving department, effective organisation and skilled, dedicated employees, we are leaders in our region. All our staff shares the down to earth, ethical and client centred approach that is formulated in the Flexi philosophy -EXCELLENCE THROUGH EXPERIENCE- Everything we do at Flexi has the aim of strengthening our long term goals of remaining as one of the leaders in the trade. Our Registered Manager Loreen strongly believes in the inherent capabilities of people, which is why everyone at Flexi is provided with opportunities for training and growth based on their capabilities. Our management team proves that it is not just good housekeeping at our workplaces, but our entire operations shall be well organised on every level and every place we visit or work at. Lastly thank you to all staff for your continued hard work during the year. Good luck wishes to those completing their NVQ training at all levels.
Thank you.


The following is a revised Statement of Purpose for Flexi Coventry Ltd as per requirement of Health and Social Care Act 2008. The revised Statement of Purpose set out Flexi Coventry Ltd’s:

  • Service
  • Aims and Objectives
  • The Nature of services provided by Flexi Coventry Ltd
  • The Qualifications of the Registered Manager/ Responsible person(s)
  • The range of training and qualifications of the staff representing Flexi Coventry Ltd
  • The suggestions
  • The complaints procedure
  • The quality Statement
  • Indemnity and Liability cover

Our Services

Flexi Coventry Ltd is a privately-owned nursing agency which provides its services from the office at:

Desai House
9-13 Holbrooks Lane

Office Line:02476682968

Flexi was founded in 2012 to provide care assistant staff for temporary placements to NHS Trusts, private hospitals, registered nursing/residential homes, learning disability homes (private/NHS), individual clients and other healthcare providers seeking agency nursing. In 2013, Flexi was awarded the complex care contract by the local CCG. We have since been providing specialized quality health care to service users with complex health needs in their own homes. Flexi is regulated and inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Our CQC 2013 and 2016 inspections proved that we are in compliant with all CQC ‘Essential Standards of Quality and Safety 2010’. We pride ourselves in exceeding the requirements of National Minimum Standards.

Aims and Objectives

  • To provide a Safe, Reliable, Effective, Responsive, Caring, Timely and Friendly response to fulfil the care needs of our service users and making sure the service is well-led
  • To be compliant with all the requirements of Care Quality Commission and reflect this in our operations.
  • To meet the assessed complex care needs of our service users through client specific training and continued support of the staff undertaking the tasks.
  • To provide a service which safeguard and promote the health, welfare and quality of life of our service users with complex health conditions living in their own homes.
  • To recognize and embrace the individuality and diversity of each service user and their families.
  • To offer choices and informed choices in enabling service users to make their own decisions in the care they receive.
  • To maintain the self esteem and independence of our service users.
    Flexi has a substantive contract with Citation Health and Safety Solution to assist in designing and developing robust health and safety policies and procedures and offer 24 hour advice on the law side of employment and business. Citation keeps our policies and procedures UpToDate in line with relevant legislation requirements and in keeping with current trends of practice.
  • To provide a highly vetted and highly experienced staff at all times ensuring our staff receive appropriate training as part of their professional development and as part of our commitment to providing high standard/quality of staff.
    Staff and potential staff are screened through Ucheck enhanced DBS system and trained for specifically the service users they will be working with. Mandatory training is completed prior to commencement of work.
  • To provide a service to our clients and staff 24 hours a day every day of the week.
  • To provide a fast response to requests for shift cover in order to make the usage of agency more cost effective.
  • To offer continuity of care and standards through senior team staff for each service user as well as team leaders. We also have a Quality Assurance Manager (QAM) who monitors our compliant, client satisfaction and support our staff development through regular inspections, supervision and appraisals. Our QAM has a responsibility of ensuring a good development of a Quality Assurance system which allows us to continuously monitor, evaluate and develop good practices. To ensures that complaints from staff and Clients are dealt with promptly. Flexi will keep both parties informed of actions taken and will facilitate an outcome
  • To conform fully with all the requirements of regulations, contracts and other agreements that legally apply to the business.

Nature of Services Flexi provides

Flexi is a Complex domiciliary care agency providing specialized care services to vulnerable service users of which most relies on complex machines to assist them to manage through the day and night. Our specially trained staff assist the service users with management of medication, diet and fluids intake, setting up and monitoring the medical equipment and machines. Our staff also assists with planning and outdoor activities as well as visits to medical appointments. Through training and support from the Dietician Team, we assist with PEG feed and medication via PEG. We order medication from GP practices and manage the safe storage and dispensing of same. As an approved service provider for Coventry and Rugby CCG, North Warwickshire CCG, South Warwickshire CCG and The British Royal Legion, we get contacted by key workers or case managers to go out and assess clients who may be living hospital or rehabilitation centres and requiring support at home while they fully recover or as end of life support. Once we have completed the assessment and identified that we have enough capacity of staff, we hire a reputable trainer from a carefully and professionally selected list.

Qualifications and Experience of staff in charge and Range of training for staff

Fortunate Felix Marufu is the Director of Flexi Coventry Limited. Felix has been working at Director level since 2005 and has successfully managed a number of care agencies until Flexi was founded in 2012. Felix is 19 years post graduate qualified Mental Health Nurse (RMN) with an Hon Degree. He is Qualified as Train the Trainer and assist with inhouse training and induction for new starters. Felix also holds an NVQ Level 7 Diploma certificate in management Health and Social Care.

Loreen R C Marufu is the Registered Manager of Flexi Coventry Limited. Loreen was appointed registered manager in 2012 and has held the position since then. Loreen is a Registered General Nurse (RGN) with 18 years post graduate experience on the field. Loreen is also the Responsible person for Flexi.

Laurie Foster is the Quality Assurance Manager, who is responsible for ensuring a good development of a Quality Assurance system which allows us to continuously monitor, evaluate and develop good practices. Laurie ensures that complaints from staff and Clients are dealt with promptly. Laurie has more than 30 years experience as a nurse, having managed health care settings at higher levels within NHS.

Jesman Muzemba is the Deputy Manager responsible for day to day management of staff and a smooth flow of the service. Jesman has been part of Flexi set up from the beginning and is also an inhouse trainer. She is a holder of NVQ Level 4 Diploma in Health and Social Care Services. She is currently working on her NVQ Level 5.

At Flexi, we also have a large number of team leaders and senior staff. We have a senior staff member for each service user and a team leader to over see the senior staff members. Flexi Coventry Limited is well staffed and equipped to meet the needs of services users and handle customers needs and demands.

Range of Qualifications of staff representing Flexi

All our Healthcare Assistants are highly experienced in the care of patients in the following services, Complex Care, Acquired Brain Injury, Dementia, Learning Disability, and general Care of the Elderly and frail vulnerable adults. We are also highly experience in the care of patients in, Acute General Hospitals, Community Care, End of life Care, Continuing Care, Nursing Homes, Residential Care Homes, EMI Care Homes and Intensive nursing care at Home. CAM, Bespoke, Tutor Care, Discover 1553 and HESTraining are our preferred list of specialist training organizations. Depending on which of the preferred training institutes can provide us with person centered or needs tailored training and at an earliest date, we book them and provide us with client specific training prior to us commencing any on field work. This training is in most cases a refresher or addition to the regular training ongoing at Flexi. The client specific training helps us and our staff to successfully care for service users with complex needs like Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Syndrome and Tracheostomy or vented service users.

All our new staff attends a 2 full day induction training and completes all mandatory and statutory training client centred training and other housekeeping training. There is a shadowing period with a senior staff or team leader while the competences are being assessed and completed for comp. From then on they are supported to gain NVQ level 2 and 3 as minimum within 6 months of joining. This is provided free of charge under Government initiative through T2 and other organisations. We have qualified nursed who holds a minimum of Diploma in Nursing studies and registered under NMC body. Some are General Nurses and others are Mental Health Nurses.

Below is a comprehensive list of training certificates held by our carers.

  • Moving and Handling – Theory & Practice
  • Health & Safety
  • Record keeping & Documentation
  • Equal Opportunities and Diversity
  • Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults
  • Whistle Blowing
  • Infection Control
  • Effective Hand Wash and Hygiene
  • Food Hygiene & Nutrition
  • First Aid
  • Basic Life Support
  • Fire Safety
  • Medication management
  • Lone working Policy Awareness
  • Specialised Training Includes:
  • Client specific/ Person centred care & Dignity in Care
  • Comprehensive Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Awareness
  • End of Life Care
  • Advanced Tracheostomy care
  • Dysphagia
  • Advanced Respiratory Care
  • Pressure Area Care & Management
  • Principles of Ventilation
  • Principles of Preventing Hospital Acquired Infections & Infection Control
  • Clinical & Physical Observations
  • Advanced Medication management
  • Advanced CPR
  • Risk Assessment
  • Recording & Documentation
  • End of life support and dealing with grieving families
  • Comments, Suggestions and complaints Procedure.

Flexi Coventry Limited recognizes the never-ending need for skilled nursing staff and healthcare professionals within healthcare institutions hence offers ongoing training to our staff. Our aim is not only to supply health care assistance but to supply the right personnel for our clients in a timely way. Flexi Coventry Limited is committed to quality of care delivered by itself and its staff through investment in its staff. We strongly believe in the value of training as a tool to better service and understanding the needs of the service users. All HCAs registered with Flexi will have a traceable and upto-date record of training and development. At Flexi we have an ongoing training agreement with our training organisations. We train our staff on all mandatory courses that will place them on equal footing with core staff of

any institution/healthcare setting they are assigned. This we achieve by having an agreement with our customers to include our staff in every training they conduct to their regular staff. This allows and equip our staff to be in line with the requirements of the services expected of them. The philosophy of Flexi is to provide an enabling service, which recognizes the differing needs of all our clients/service users.

For our clients in their home environment, Flexi aims to respond to their needs in a manner, which enhances and protects their dignity and independence. This service will include a full assessment and monitoring of care needs, co-ordination with other agencies and family members to achieve, develop and maintain the best possible care for the service user.

Quality Statement

At Flexi we pride ourselves in prioritising our service users before costs hence we contracted Citation Health and Safety Solutions and Peninsula Business services to be responsible for all our Polices including Health and Safety Policies as well as providing Legal advise 24 Hours a day to our organisation and its staff.

The established quality policy at Flexi is to provide a highly efficient and friendly service to our service users of a highest quality and conforming to their requirements. Flexi has a total commitment to quality, which includes the continual review and refinement of our Office and Management systems to maximise quality of our service and minimise complaints and deficiencies. This is one of the main reason we have a Quality Assurance Manager in post. Flexi total and ultimate responsibility for quality rests with the Director and management team, but all our staff have a role to play in achieving our quality objectives and are advised of their responsibility and involvement thereto. All complaints will be handled by the Quality Assurance Manager Laurie Foster and passed on to the Registered Manager Loreen Marufu in line with clear complaints procedure at Flexi to the satisfaction of the complainant. The managing Director is also informed in real time about the ongoing complaints and their stages as well as outcome. The accidents, incidences and complaints are shared with CQC through our Provider Portal.

At Flexi we aim to resolve all concerns and complaints swiftly and effectively. We deal with any issues or concerns you raise quickly, sympathetically and professionally, with the least disruption to the service we provide you with. Should you raise any concerns no matter how trivial or small it is, the registered manager Loreen arranges to visit you and or your family or representative and discuss these without compromising your care. Should the meeting fail to resolve the issue within a 3 day period, the managing director is informed without delay in writing together with statements or reports of your raised issues. The managing director will take over the investigation and try to resolve your issue(s) objectively.

If we receive it as a written complaint, we write back to you within a 3 day period to acknowledge receipt of your complaint informing you of the steps being taken to resolve the matter.

We endeavour to give you a progress report within a 7 working days period and a final report or feedback within another 7 days making it 17 days in total from receipt of your written complaint (depending on the complexity nature of the complaint)

Should you not be satisfied with the outcome, feel free to contact the CCG who commissions the care packages on:

Contracts & Performance Manager
NHS Arden and Greater East Midlands Commission Support Unit
Westgate House
Market Street
CV34 4DE

During any of these stages the complainant is free and welcome to contact the Care Quality Commission (CQC) the body which is responsible for registering and inspecting all health care services.

You can contact CQC at their National Customer Service Centre in Newcastle:
Telephone: 03000 616161
Fax: 03000 616171

Or write to them
CQC National Customer Service Centre
Newcastle upon Tyne

Indemnity Insurance and Liability cover

Flexi have adequate insurance which covers the following:

  1. Professional Indemnity £10 million.
  2. Employers Liability £10 million.
  3. Public/Products Liability £2 million.

Our insurance is provided by AXA Insurance UK plc (Bluefin Insurance Company Ltd). Further details can be provided on request.

Full details of our company, registered manager and Location

Our Organisation details:

Company Registration: 8026729

Employment Law and Health & Safety Advice provided by Citation Professional Solutions.

Professional Liability & Indemnity Insurance covered by AXA Business Insurance.

Flexi Coventry Ltd
Desai House
9-13 Holbrooks Lane
Phone: 02476682968


NB: Due to the nature of our business being a 24 hour service we DO NOT have an answering machine but all the business landlines and mobile phones divert to the on call manager or team leader until it is answered. If not answered it will divert to the Registered Manager and if she does not answer then finally it diverts to the Managing Director.


Flexi aims to provide services which safeguard and promote the health, dignity, welfare and quality of lives of vulnerable service users we are assigned to assist in meeting day to day living needs.

We aim to offer our service users choices and maximise their potentials and maintain their independence.

Our Objectives are to provide services which:

  • ensures that all our staff have the competency and motivation to deliver the required standards of care ensuring that all members of the team have the right skills and training to carry out their duties and tasks competently
  • to provide our staff and service users with a safe, clean and friendly environment by having a zero tolerance of all forms of abuse
  • to work in partnership with our service users, their families and CCG key workers towards a positive experience and understanding, involving them in decision making about their treatment and care
  • to be a learning organisation that continually improves our service provision through training and research
  • to treat our service users as individuals with unique needs deserving the same respect we would want for ourselves and allowing choices without controlling and gaining consent where appropriate
  • to ensure effective and robust Information Governance systems
  • to encourage service users to consider lifestyle changes that would improve their general health and well-being
  • to work closely with Citation Health and Safety organisation in maintaining policies and procedures which are in keeping with current trends and practice.
  • to guide our staff in accordance with diversity and equality
  • to operate on a financially sound basis